Saturday, July 10, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

Over the years I have determined some of my different favorites. Some of these things are foods or candies, and some of them are scents, colors, activities, and such. Tonight I was having a snack, and my mind wandered to these things, so i decided I needed to blog about it....I mean, one would not want to forget about such wondermous

One of my favorite snacks is Cheezit party mix....I absolutely love the little puffs of garlicky goodness. I will sit and pick through every bit until I have eaten every little one. Of course, I love the rest of the mix too, but the little puffs are my favorite.

Many of my friends know about my favorite is a new favorite, as I just in the past year have become aquainted with Swedish Fish. I don't like the multicolored ones, i only like the red ones. Recently I was shopping at Wal-mart and they DID NOT have my Swedish Fish. I even looked two times, determined that if I continued to look, they would somehow appear between the sour patch kids, and the gummy worms. To my dismay, I left empty handed...well, not really empty handed, I mean really? I was at Wal-mart, and one cannot leave without finding something they need. By empty handed, I meant without Swedish Fish. :-(

My favorite scents are florals. Most people enjoy the sweet scents of vanilla, or cinnamon, and these are definitely nice, but I love Gardenia, or honeysuckle, or magnolia.....I love to get a candle in one of these and put in every room.... However, during the holidays,I do tend to get out those sweet smells, just for the time of year.

I love musicals!!!! I love Grease, Cats, High School Musical (all 3), Sound of Music, Evita, Mamma Mia, pretty much all the Disney flicks...although Mermaid has to be my favorite, and Phantom of the Opera, just to name a few. Many have suffered thru watching these along with me as I proceed to sing along with my best acting/singing voice....And as these few watched along, there was sometimes a little bit of eye rolling...but I dont care, I LOVE MUSICALS!!!! LOL

My favorite color is the green you find in the crayon box. But when it comes to clothing or accessories, my favorite is PINK! Pink everything, from the color of my shirt or jewelry, to the color of my phone case (which I just recently had to change to black because they were out of Pink) I am a Mary Kay consultant, and I would be perfectly happy to have a pink car, however I have a large family, so if they ever choose to offer the pink on a minivan version, I am ready to take it! I Love Pink!!!!

I remember when they opened up one of those candy stores in the mall, where you could go through and fill the sack with different varieties including jelly beans. Jelly Belly was the biggest name brand back then, and I'm quite sure it is now, and they ghad such a large variety of flavors, I couldn't always resist trying them all out. From the original flavors like cherry or orange, to the more exotic flavors like tropical punch or popcorn (yes, they have popcorn flavored jelly beans)...they had them all. My favorites included strawberry and/or cotton candy flavored. I always liked it when I was able to stop by and get a small assortment to take in to work with me.

My favorite car growing up was the Trans Am. I so desperately wanted the one off of Smokey and the Bandit. I wanted mine to be identical. Right down to the bronze colored spread eagle on the hood....I know, call me redneck, but some part of me would still love to have that car! T-tops and all!

I don't drink coffee, but I do like to go to Starbucks. It being very expensive, this is one of those things that only happen on rare occasions. When I do get to go, I always get the same thing, cause I know it is something I like and will drink. I love the Java Chip Frappachino....yes, I think it is fabulous, right down to getting chocolate chips stuck in the straw...yummmm!!!!!! And the extra kick of caffeine is kinda fun too...for those of you who know me well, caffeine only makes me that much louder!!!! LOL

I love to sing! Christian contemp., country, name it, I love it! Karaoke is one of the greatest inventions of all times....Everyone can be a star, if only for a few minutes....even though not everyone is partial to some of those

And last, but certainly not least, and only because it is getting late, and I don't want to stay up any later to put more favorite things
My favorite ice cream is...drumroll please..........
VANILLA!!!!!!!! I love a huge bowl of vanilla ice cream, hard frozen out of the freezer, with a little bit of milk poured over the top, creating a nice, icy, creamy, milky, vanilla-y mixture. YUM!!! I could eat it every night and not get tired of it...of course, I would be as big as a house, but sometimes it is worth it!!!! I love me some ice cream!!!!

Well there you have it...these are just a few of my favorite things.......


  1. i can hear the sound of music song in my head now. thanks for that!
    how funny that you want spice & flavor everywhere except in your ice cream.
    i did the karaoke last night... too bad you weren't here to spice things up!

  2. Have you tried the Banana Chocolate Vivanno at Starbucks? Delicious.

    And I love Swedish fish too! But you're right, the red ones are the best.
