Sunday, April 10, 2011

As Jana's World Turns...The Amazing Journey

What an amazing life God has planned out for me. Over the last couple years, you have read many posts about my life, and what I have been through. As I look back at some of the memories made, I am astonished at the things that haven't gone as I thought they would. I am even more amazed at how God has taken different circumstances and used them to grow my faith. I have been blessed daily by the way God provides for my needs. Whether it be by an anonymous gift, or the donation of a friend, I have been able to make it and for that I am thankful. I have learned how to cope with many things over the journey as well. There has been heartache, disaster, and hurt feelings....but there has also been love, growth, and newer, happier memories as well.

As a young child, I thought everything would be perfect. I would grow up, get married, and have a family...all while living happily ever after. My "happily ever after" was quickly stripped away with the choices made by another. And at that point, a small part of "me" was stripped away as well. For a short period, I was overcome by a bitterness that would not release me. Little did I know, that it was ME actually clinging to IT. My hopes of the "happily ever after" were replaced with the "if onlies". Not a good place to be in. Many land there, forgetting that the "happily ever after" could and should truly exist. The fairy tale IS there and CAN be lived out when God is left in control.

I entered into the "single" status with a small hope. A hope that one day I would catch a glimpse of my "fairy tale" again. Oh, how God works in mysterious ways....and I want to believe that HE truly has a plan. It has taken me the whole of these last two years, and I not only believe it possible, but also trust that there IS a plan, and God has written it just for me. Slowly, I am letting the wall I built around myself down, and trusting again. And through this trust I am finding that the "fairy tale" can be a reality. I look forward to what the future holds, and am completely amazed by where the journey has taken me so far. This is the amazing journey......

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. still shooting for your happily ever after? and you should. the prince just gets a new face.
