Monday, January 2, 2012

Precisely Perfect and Beyond Compare

Sometimes I wonder just what the future holds....

Sure, we all have had that picture of what we think is going to know...married to your high school sweetheart, who works for the local family-owned business....little white house..... picket fence..... 2.5 kids...(2.5 kids??? How does that really work anyway????)....or maybe your mental picture includes that business man with the nice body, a job in the city with the loft apartment?....or maybe it was a studio apartment.... Whatever the picture was, we all just knew that was how it was going to be. We had our mental image, and by golly we were going to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!


So then.......??????

Yeah, I know. Reality set in. You married that high school sweetheart and were just enraptured, the babies came, along with the bills, the picket fence never got built cause you had to get a bigger car ( to accomodate all those babies you kept having), and as time went by, someone wasn't happy..... so instead of working it out they made new "friends"....hmmm. Or, you found that business man with the nice abs, but the gym kept him away for many hours when you had hoped for time together, maybe the time you spent hustling and bustling around the city, trying to make it to that meeting, made you late for the romantic dinner he had planned, and eventually created such a distance between you that he couldn't handle it any longer, or the job you went to school for wasn't as easy to find as you thought it would be....or just maybe you finally realized that being a "Senior Mobility Liason" was just fancy lingo for transporting the local seniors to Bingo Night at the American Legion Hall!

Look, we have all been there whether we want to admit it or not...we all made plans, only to see them rewritten for us...either by choices made, or our own failures and/or dissatisfaction. And yes, we all wonder, to some extent, what the future holds for us now. There's nothing wrong with that. We are allowed to dream about the future, allowed to set goals, to reach our destinations in life. Its actually good to have an idea of where you want to go or what you want to be. Just don't let it rule you....don't get so caught up in the dreams that you lose sight of the blessings that are right in front of you already.

We all seek perfection and as sorry as I am to crush that dream, we live in an imperfect world, full of huge imperfections. A world, that even with its flaws, is the provision we are given to live out our future. To live the future that GOD has planned for us here on Earth anyway. No matter how good we plan, or how much we dream, life still happens and can be altered right before our eyes. That altered plan? It can be a wonderful way of showing God's ability to take something unforeseen, and making it precisely perfect and beyond compare.

In 2012, I am praying for my "precisely perfect" and "beyond compare" life, that only GOD can provide. I am dreaming that for myself, as well as for you....

1 comment:

  1. your 2012 is surely going to look better than your 2011 did, and it's good that you're making the adjustments necessary to see the great new places life can take you.
    my situation is different, but equally not where i thought i'd be at this stage.
